Fractional CMO
Perfect for: Scaleups & SMEs with small marketing teams
Receive monthly strategic guidance and leadership by getting your business a fractional CMO to build a powerful business and brand.
Strategic leadership that aligns your marketing strategy to your business goals and future market development opportunities.
Transform strategies into an actionable playbook with strategic projects ready for implementation.
Hands-on guidance, team leadership, and proven systems from an experienced industry pro.
Team development, hiring support, creation of marketing scorecards, and KPI development for effective performance reviews that keep everyone one on track.
Per month from

Step back from the day-to-day to work on the big picture.

Why you need a Fractional CMO
Running a startup or small-to-medium-sized business is challenging. You've got a solid product, but do you have a rock-solid marketing strategy? That's where a Fractional CMO comes in—giving you the top marketing leadership you need, on a fractional basis that you can afford.
Lack of Strategic Direction:
Are you throwing marketing strategies at the wall to see what sticks?
Resource Optimisation:
Are you making the most out of your marketing budget?
Scaling Concerns:
Ready to grow but unsure how?
No effective measurements:
Not sure what marketing actually moves the needle?
Lack of time :
Proven systems implemented quickly to boost your company's results?
Why Choose Saskia as Your Fractional CMO?
With over 15 years experience in launching and running international brands, she’ll give you:
Expertise in Brand and Marketing Strategy
Craft strategies that resonate with your target audience.
Experience with 
Startups and SMEs
Real-world insights to tackle the unique challenges you face.
No Jargon, Just Results
Straightforward advice and playbooks that everyone in your company can understand and act on.
Global Success Stories
From revamping brands to advising tech startups, my strategies have generated millions in revenue.
Fractional CMO Services
Marketing and Brand Strategy Development
Marketing Scorecards to drive key results
Team hiring, development and KPI based performance checks
Business Planning, Marketing SOPs and Playbooks
Resource Optimisation
Go-To-Market Plans
Comprehensive Marketing Audits

Let's create something worth talking about
From a young age, I understood that you can spend as much as you want on marketing, but if you've got the wrong product, a brand that's off, a dysfunctional business model, or you are targeting the wrong customers, you're wasting money.
I quickly learnt how to identify where problems lie deep in the business strategy, and how to fine-tune these first so that marketing is much more effective.
In my 13 years in business, I've built 2 international brands from the ground up (both turning over multiple millions in revenue every year), am busy building my third, and have successfully managed dozens of new products and brands.
Through a Business Diagnosis, I'm able to bring my years of experience to bear on your problems, give you a quick analysis of where the key ones lie, and then recommend the best ways to address them.

Frequently Asked Questions
What is covered in a Business Diagnosis?What we explore into during our 60-minute session depends on where your business is at and what we see as the key issues (identified by the questionnaire and a quick scan of your online activity). It's your bespoke session, and we can use it to dive into the areas which will bring you and your business the most value. Things we can cover include tips and pointers for developing a marketing strategy, how to design a better value proposition, how to test your ideas or new products and get feedback quickly, or even something more practical like a website review, how to increase your conversions, or under what circumstances you should look at doing a rebrand.
What do I get from a Business Diagnosis?You get advice, clarity, and direction from the perspective of a CMO about what the actual causes of your issues are (highlighted by the Business Diagnosis Questionnaire that I send to you before our call), and the steps I suggest you take in order to solve them. This will take place over a 60-minute video call, and five working days later, the key points we discussed and my recommended next steps will be sent to you in a Diagnostic Summary Report so you can easily refer back to it and share it with any of your colleagues.
Will a Business Diagnosis solve all my problems?Sorry no... The first step in solving a problem is to identify the 'actual problem'. This is exactly what the Business Diagnosis is designed to do. In the session, I analyse your business, listen carefully to what you are saying, do some of my own research, and help you to pinpoint the cause of the issues you are facing and how to go about solving them. I'm a problem solver by nature, so where I can I'll also provide highly practical tips and resources that can help you to solve the problem faster. If, after the session, you want me to help solve your problem (and it looks like I'm the best person to help you do this), we can work together on further projects to tackle any problems we've identified.
I'm keen! How do we start?You can book your Business Diagnosis Session directly via the link below. After you book, I'll send you an email with a link to the Questionnaire and further instructions in preparation for our session. Book your Business Diagnosis Session ---> Here